web security

Website Security: Know The Need of your website

Website Security: Know The Need of your website

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  • Post published:December 16, 2024
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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Have you recently built a website from a professional maker? Whoever they may be, you must confirm that the site has adequate provisions to counter malignancy. If the site lacks enough security, surely it will become a victim of hackers. This is the basic need why businesses ask their website designers and developers about the provision of security in detail.

Now, you may ask what type of security measures a website has. I have worked on various measures and drafted a few for you. Both free and at-cost mechanisms are available. However, I have mainly concentrated on free mechanisms.

Types of website securities

The types are several. I have gone through something inevitable. There are three main types of website security measures discussed:

  • SSL Security
  • Header Security
  • Malware security

SSL security

The full form of SSL is the Secure Sockets Layer. It is an advanced technology that encrypts data sent between a browser and a website. This also works between two individual servers. Such encrypting checks the intervention of a hacker into a website. He neither is able to see nor steal any information conceded. Your important data are secured thus.

Importance of SSL security

  • In the first place, SSL security helps protect user data. It works between the user’s browser and the website’s server. Thus the hackers cannot view the details and steal it. Sensitive data like names, addresses, credit/debit card numbers, and other banking information are usually targeted.
  • SSL-protected websites have a green padlock icon in the browser. The customers are thus assured that their data is safe. The website earns the faith of customers thus
  • Through encrypting data, SSL verifies a user’s identity before putting information. Fear of fraudulent purchases and stolen identities are thus come to nil.
  • SSL also helps in the search engine ranking of a website.

 A padlock or SSL check

Here is a tip for website owners who have no clue where to do the SSL security for their websites. Get registered with Why No Padlock. It is a website security checker and mender. The latest data shows that this site has helped more than 10 million websites become secure. Their report after checking includes insecure calls to images, CSS, and javascript including third-party calls. It also informs about expired SSL certificates, invalid and missing intermediate certificates, etc. The report length also includes 3rd party Certificates.

We are dependable website makers in Kolkata, India. You can contact us for website security also. Click the following link to get more details about SSL security.

Header security check

With header security check, you can clasp column name detection on and off. So, the column names containing special characters cannot be detected. This is configurable with the Check Header checkbox as well as from the command line.

The procedure of header check

Using the checker’s help, you will have to open the webpage whose header requires checking. Using the ‘Right Click’ option, you will ask the checker to inspect when it opens developer tools. Select the network tab, and refresh or reload your page. From the left panel, select an HTTP request. The monitor will show the header on the right.

Security headers

This is a famous header security checker. You can check your website by clicking here. You can assess the security of HTTP response headers with this in a very short time. Its efficiency assures you about the presence of another level of protection on your website. Header security checker stops code injection, cross-site scripting attacks, and clickjacking – all security hacking policies.

We at Vaskar Web, provide detailed information about the entire header website checker available in the market. To learn more about website header security, click on the following link.

Malware security

Malware website security checks for malicious code, hidden frames, vulnerability exploits, infected files, and other suspicious activities by hackers in a website, Following the in-depth investigation, a malware scanner reports about all those mentioned above.


It is a free malware-checking website. The scanner observes the following methods in their checking principle:

  • Scan website for Malware and Viruses.
  • Check website Blacklist Status
  • Find outdated Software and Plugin, if any
  • Detect other Website Security issues.

Need to use a Malware Checker

Regular monitoring for malware on the website will help you keep tabs on the website’s security. You will be able to focus your perspective on the security-related issues and identify those. Malware checkers send fast responses to threats. It helps keep SEO rankings and organic traffic. The brand can maintain its prestige. Website visitors also get true information and stay away from harm.

To learn more about site check security, click on the following link.

At the end, I mention the existence of websites that provide total website security. The arrangement of ample security measures for websites has become impulsive these days. Hacking has become a profitable free-of-cost business and talents are working on this. Governments have also made it mandatory for all updated businesses these days.

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